On Thursday, June 13th, 2024, UNA-NCA hosted its yearly Annual Membership Meeting at the United Nations Foundation. This in-person event focused on the successes and challenges of UNA-NCA’s programming throughout the year, and presented awards to key contributors within the chapter. This event reiterated the importance of engaging American citizens with the United Nations and maintaining support to strengthen such multilateral systems.
Outgoing UNA-NCA Board Chair, Jill Christianson, started off the event by expressing personal remarks and the objectives of UNA-NCA as a whole. In welcoming attendees and UNA-NCA members, she covered the mission and values of the organization itself, and thanked the keynote speaker, Ambassador Michele J. Sison, for her attendance. Shortly after, Ms. Christianson welcomed UNA-NCA President Paula Boland to speak and continue the event’s agenda.
Ms. Boland began with opening remarks for the event, thanking UNA-USA and the United Nations Foundation for their continued support throughout the year. She stated that this year, UNA-NCA received UNA-USA’s Community Chapter of Excellence Award, highlighting UNA-NCA’s dedication to its mission and goals for the global future. Next, Ms. Boland introduced Senior Vice President of the United Nations Foundation and President of the Better World Campaign, Peter Yeo. Mr. Yeo proceeded to present the Arthur W. Johnson Leadership Award to Ambassador Michele J. Sison, the Assistant Secretary of State of International Organization Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

Within her remarks, Ambassador Sison discussed the importance of maintaining U.S.-UN relations and what a difference it makes in the world we live in today. With so many conflicts and humanitarian challenges going on, Ambassador Sison urged audience members to remain engaged with organizations like UNA-NCA to help raise awareness and find solutions toward said issues. She also touched on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, highlighting the need for further climate action and strengthening our global institutions for peace. Ambassador Sison mentioned she was grateful to attend the United Nations’ SDG Summit in New York in September of 2023. An interesting fact she brought up was that in the past two years, the United States has provided over $100 billion for international development to help achieve the SDGs, more than any other country. Before closing her remarks, she thanked UNA-NCA and its members for their advocacy and dedication to upholding the ideals of the United Nations and multilateralism altogether.

Paula then invited GCDC Director Himaja Balusa and rising ninth grader Imaani Haque (both pictured right), who served as the Student Secretary General at the MUN Conference, to speak more on the impact of GCDC and its events, especially the MUN Conference and the first MILO Conference. In her brief remarks, Ms. Balusa expressed her appreciation for such a successful MUN Conference, especially with it being the 20th year anniversary of GCDC’s MUN. In addition, she was extremely grateful for the support from UNA-NCA volunteers, ILO, and the State Department in hosting the first ever Model International Labor Organization (MILO) Conference this year. After hearing reflections

After these awards were presented and comments were provided by these individuals, a brief music break followed with a live violin performance from esteemed violinist Mr. Cleveland A. Chandler Jr. Following the music break, Ms. Christianson announced the Board Election Results for UNA-NCA’s Board of Directors, introducing the newly elected Board Chair. Ms. Anne Simmons-Benton.

Anne is currently a Principal at Deep Water Point and Associates, the Co-Head of the US Delegation to the Women20 (W20), an official engagement group of the G20, the Deputy Chair for the Society for International Development – US and a Board Member for the Mines Advisory Group – US. Anne earned her BS in foreign service from Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and her JD from Antioch School of Law (DC). She holds a Change Management Advanced Practitioner (CMAP) Certificate from the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including a USAID Certificate of Appreciation, Superior Group Award, and Meritorious Unit Citation Award. She is also a licensed attorney. Anne and her husband, Jonathan Benton, have three adult children and three grandchildren.
After Ms. Simmons-Benton provided her introductory remarks and excitement for her new position, the outgoing Chair of the Advocacy Committee, Ms. Gayatri Patel, went on to present the Richard and Anne Griffis Program Leadership Award to Ms. Danielle Dean, the Vice Chair of Advocacy. Remarks were given from Ms. Dean on her acceptance of this award, and then Ms. Boland came forth to present the final award of the night. She introduced Ms. Sultana Ali as the recipient of the Evelyn Falkowski Volunteer Service Award. Ms. Sultana Ali serves as UNA-NCA’s Vice Chair of Strategy and Operations.
After Ms. Ali’s remarks, Paula and Jill thanked attendees again for their continued support and for attending this year’s Annual Report meeting. The Annual Meeting was closed out by Ms. Christianson and another musical break by Mr. Chandler Jr. A reception was held after in the main room for attendees and UNA-NCA members.